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F R E Q U E N T L Y  A S K E D

How is psychotherapy different from psychology and counselling?

Psychotherapy differs from psychology and counselling in significant and complex ways. There are a range of different paradigms available in mental health treatment. These paradigms can have very different views on what constitutes mental health, what causes mental health issues, how to treat those issues and what kind of resolution of, or recovery from those issues is possible. Understanding the various paradigms can be complicated and confusing, so the following information is general in nature.


Generally, psychology uses a medical and science based model to assess, diagnose and treat people, based on the idea that there are norms of human experience and that someone who is experiencing mental health issues is outside of those norms and needs treatment to have those norms restored. This is mostly achieved through using CBT - cognitive behavioural therapy - and often, medication prescribed by a psychiatrist.


Counselling on the other hand uses a problem solving approach that seeks to address mental health issues through empathic conversation and finding workable real world solutions to a person's struggles.


Psychotherapy has links to psychoanalysis and as such, dates back to Freud. There are many approaches within psychotherapy, but overall the term refers to a depth approach that seeks to resolve mental health issues at their root cause. It brings a humanistic stance together with a rich history of theoretical and clinical insights and uses the relationship between client and therapist as the primary vehicle of change.


In some countries, 'psychotherapy' can be used as a catch all term for mental health treatment generally. However our use of the term refers to being specifically qualified as a psychotherapist and using a specifically psychotherapeutic approach, rather than a clinical psychological or counselling approach. Our clients often comment that therapy with us bears no resemblance to sessions they may have previously undertaken with psychologists or counsellors. You can read a further helpful description of psychotherapy here. And more about our specific approach here.


How do I know if I have relational trauma?

Trauma is extremely common among humans. Where once it was only considered a relevant term for experiences such as wars, car accidents or other obviously damaging events, trauma is now understood to include a far more wide ranging set of experiences - including trauma that occurs interpersonally, between people. Because of the way we are wired, humans are easily traumatised in relationships. Any relational experience in which we feel unsafe, has the potential to result in trauma. Due to our extreme vulnerability in childhood, early life relational experiences can often be the source of trauma we are not conscious in. Unsafe relational experiences can have a profoundly traumatising impact on us - even where that trauma did not involve physical or other obvious abuse. Trauma lives in our body and as such most people are unaware they are carrying it. Often people have no explicit memory of the events that led to them being traumatised. Complex trauma, attachment trauma, or developmental trauma are even harder to self identify, or to witness in our own selves. Many of our clients have spent years in mental health treatment that has failed to identify their trauma. Using our unique body/mind approach, we are highly trained and experienced in identifying trauma of all kinds and providing tailored therapy specific to you. Some of the common signs and symptoms of trauma can be seen here.


How can I tell if your services are right for me?

Research shows the single most important element to any successful mental health treatment is the quality of relationship between client and therapist. On that basis, we provide a free 15 minute Zoom discovery session, so you can assess for yourself whether you feel comfortable to embark on a therapeutic journey with us. This obligation free consult provides you an opportunity to ask questions and find out if our services are right for you. The discovery session is a requirement for all new clients. You can book your free discovery session here.


How regularly does therapy take place?

Our therapy sessions occur weekly - on the same day and at the same time each week. Therapy bookings must be for a minimum of ten sessions. There is no obligation to have more than ten sessions, but most clients continue therapy long term, rebooking ten sessions at a time. Full terms and conditions, including cancellation policies, are provided during the booking process.


Do you offer online therapy?

We offer all our services to clients nationally and internationally online via Zoom only. We have more than a decade's experience delivering our unique body inclusive approach to clients online the world over. Online therapy requires specific conditions to be effective. You can read about the conditions necessary for having online therapy with us here. 


Do I need a referral to access your services?

No referral is required to access our services. 


What are your session fees?

Session fees vary according the service provided and whether you are located in Australia or internationally. Please get in touch to enquire about fees for the service you are interested in.


Can I claim my session fee from Medicare?

No. Unfortunately, psychotherapy is not funded by Medicare. 


Are there books you would recommend for my trauma recovery?

We suggest various books to support trauma recovery in our newsletter, which you can sign up to here. Please note that reading material on trauma can be triggering, so we recommend practicing self regulation and reading in ways that allow you to stay safe.

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